Art Mentor Foundation Grant

From Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne

Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne aims to foster a vibrant culture of excellence in classical music, attracting new audiences to the field. It supports international academies, master classes, standout festivals, and innovative outreach to engage the public with classical and contemporary music, while not excluding other musical eras.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on three main areas: Visual Arts, Music, and Cultural Education. In Visual Arts, it supports international, historically relevant, and well-curated exhibitions and innovative projects that enhance art education and audience engagement. In Music, it primarily backs contemporary classical music projects, including professional academies, master classes, event series, festivals, and infrastructural needs for orchestras and ensembles. The Cultural Education component is dedicated to introducing art and music to children and teenagers, especially from underprivileged backgrounds, through both curricular and extracurricular means, aiming at personal development and future audience building. Projects must be led by professionals or recognized public institutions, with a preference for those with a long-term perspective and broad accessibility.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • The project must be of public interest.
  • The project must prove to be important, visionary, innovative, and sustainable.
  • Only substantial contributions are provided (no residual financing).
  • Grants may be disbursed in one sum or over several years, typically no more than three years.
  • Repeated subsidies and breaks are possible in individual cases.
  • Start-up financing is possible for extensive and cost-intensive projects.
  • A project request must be submitted at least nine months before the project start.


Entities seeking scholarships
Individuals seeking grants for visual arts or music
Amateur projects
Profit-oriented or purely commercial projects
Projects that have already been completed or almost fully financed
Projects with funds raised on commission
Projects seeking retroactive financing
Biennials, triennials, art fairs, commercial galleries, local art associations, happenings, and art initiatives
One-off events, DVD/CD productions, non-Art Mentor Foundation composition commissions, operas, musical theatre, music score purchases
One-off events in cultural education.
not specified


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