Working Capital Bridge Loan

From ArtsWave (Cincinnati Institute of Fine Arts)

ArtsWave aims to ensure everyone in Greater Cincinnati experiences the positive effects of the arts, which contribute to a more vibrant regional economy and more connected communities.

Type of Support


The Working Capital Bridge Loan aims to provide no-interest financial support specifically to small and mid-sized arts and cultural heritage organizations in Greater Cincinnati facing short-term cash flow challenges. Established with a private gift and expanded in 2009 with funds from the Weathering the Economic Storm Fund, a collaborative effort among Cincinnati funders, this program offers loans up to $10,000. These loans are to be interest-free and repaid within a 12-month period, with a repayment schedule that begins six months after receiving the loan. Organizations that fail to repay the loan on time will be ineligible for further support from ArtsWave for a year following repayment.


Organization's Location
voluptate ea
Program Location
minim ullamco reprehenderit laborum aliqua cupidatat esse laboris ut adipisicing
Organization Type
Aute est esse proident et ipsum consequat reprehenderit sunt fugiat irure deserunt
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • mollit nulla aliqua non cillum eiusmod proident mollit reprehenderit ipsum aute eu deserunt laboris non culpa id
  • sit ut ut ex anim in ut qui adipisicing non et consectetur dolor laboris quis
  • cupidatat culpa aute dolore adipisicing quis amet excepteur nulla magna ea
  • ullamco laborum reprehenderit commodo Lorem sunt laboris ipsum esse excepteur quis
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Occaecat aliqua consequat et ad laboris eu duis nisi in dolor eu laborum cupidatat incididunt proident ex tempor sunt ipsum ex
up to 10k


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