Leonard & Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation Grants

From Baltimore Community Foundation

BCF's mission focuses on enhancing the quality of life within the community by supporting programs that directly improve the educational, social, and economic outcomes of its residents. They place a significant emphasis on early childhood education, seeking to empower Baltimore City and County’s youngest learners and their families with a strong foundation for future success.

Type of Support


The Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation grants focus on improving conditions and treatments for mental illness, supporting aging populations, and enhancing healthcare treatment and prevention. Grants range from $25,000 to $150,000, predominantly reserved for initiatives in greater Baltimore and the State of Maryland. The foundation emphasizes projects that promote recovery and community participation for individuals with serious mental illnesses, improve access to mental health treatment for underserved groups, advocate for the adoption of evidence-based practices, support services enabling seniors to age in their communities, respond to unmet health and mental health needs among the elderly, and improve chronic disease prevention and management as well as access to care for disadvantaged populations.


Organization's Location
id velit
Program Location
Organization Type
Eiusmod occaecat dolor cupidatat sit laborum aliqua nisi cupidatat minim
  • aliquip culpa dolor amet et reprehenderit in laborum occaecat officia in minim id pariatur est do dolore duis cupidatat
  • reprehenderit cillum magna laboris voluptate magna ut nulla deserunt ullamco qui commodo dolor commodo nulla eu


Cillum voluptate laboris ipsum consequat ipsum occaecat magna sunt
Deserunt magna non non minim esse
Sint reprehenderit incididunt
Veniam do ut id minim
25k – 150k


Visit Apply for more information.