Bank of Hawaii Foundation - Major Capital Grant

Bank of Hawaii Foundation has a steadfast commitment to strengthening communities in the areas we serve. We focus on programs and projects which provide significant impact within low and moderate income communities.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support a broad range of initiatives within community development, education, human services, arts and culture, and foundation-initiated special projects. Specifically, the foundation focuses on financial literacy, asset building, economic development, increasing access to high-quality educational opportunities for disadvantaged children, addressing basic needs such as food, shelter, health, and clothing, integrating arts into children’s education, and supporting major arts partners. The program places an emphasis on partnering with community development organizations, including non-profits focused on affordable housing, economic development, revitalization, and community development services. Also supported are community development corporations, community development financial institutions, and public policy advocacy groups that impact low- and moderate-income communities. Grants are predominantly for capital needs of a major nature.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Guam, HI, Northern Mariana Islands
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Must have a record of strong fiscal management
  • Successful in grant and contract management
  • May be outside the Foundation's usual focus areas if specifically invited
  • Limited to one request per year per organization


Organizations seeking support for general operating expenses
Organizations with deficit budgets
Entities focusing on general fundraising campaigns
Groups serving religious purposes
Projects related to trips and tours
Charities that redistribute funds to other charities, except recognized United Way type organizations.
not specified


Review Criteria

The Foundation typically favors supporting organizations that are well-established, typically those that have been operational for a minimum of 10 years, and possess diverse and committed revenue streams.

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