Barr Foundation: Climate Grants

From Barr Foundation

The Barr Foundation aims to enhance the quality of education across New England, particularly in secondary education. It focuses on opening doors to rigorous, personalized education to enable young people to thrive. The foundation emphasizes transforming high schools to become more relevant through various learning models that cater to the diverse needs of students, preparing them for higher education, the workforce, and community engagement.

Type of Support


The Climate Program by the Barr Foundation seeks to foster bold action on climate change, focusing on three main strategies: accelerating the shift to clean energy, transforming transportation systems, and creating climate-resilient communities. The program underlines the importance of building a multi-racial and inclusive environmental movement, prioritizing communities most affected by the fossil fuel economy and centering equity in the work of climate organizations. Specifically, it supports efforts to expand renewable energy and energy efficiency, promote equity-centered low carbon mobility solutions, and help communities prepare and adapt to climate change. Grantmaking is directed toward partners committed to racial equity in the climate movement, including non-profit organizations, other groups, and particularly POC-led equity-centered organizations.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public schools
Governmental agencies
  • Must work with a qualifying fiscal sponsor for non-501(c)(3) organizations or projects


Those seeking scholarships
Those seeking program-related investments
Those seeking funding for capital projects
Those seeking event sponsorships (except on occasion for longstanding partners).
not specified


Review Criteria

Our funding priorities are centered on the following initiatives aimed at building a vibrant movement:

  • Championing efforts that equitably curb greenhouse gas emissions, thereby improving air quality and enhancing the health and well-being of communities of color. This involves increasing access to clean, affordable energy and transportation options.
  • Developing resilient communities that are well-prepared for climate change impacts, advocating for protections and proactive measures that benefit everyone.
  • Creating opportunities and providing support for professionals of color in our region to advance within the climate movement.
  • Strengthening the capabilities of organizations led by people of color (POC) that are grounded in equity principles, empowering them to become more effective and influential within the communities they represent.
  • Encouraging the growth of POC-led, equity-focused organizations active in climate initiatives.
  • Promoting genuine and impactful partnerships with established climate organizations to work as allies.
  • Ensuring that the discourse around climate and environmental issues is inclusive, reflecting a diversity of voices and prioritizing the needs, viewpoints, and strategies of communities.