Turner Industries Fund Grant

From Baton Rouge Area Foundation

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation aims to improve the lives in its community, working through philanthropy to administer grants and scholarships. Over its history, the Foundation has facilitated over $500 million in philanthropic contributions, demonstrating a commitment to a range of causes via donor-advised and competitive grants.

Type of Support


The Turner Industries Fund supports organizations that align with the company’s values of honoring commitments, maintaining a fair and open workplace, encouraging personal and professional growth, recognizing innovation, and stressing the importance of excellence in product quality, customer service, and financial performance. The Fund issues grants on a semi-annual basis to eligible organizations that contribute to community improvements and workforce development in health and education sectors where Turner Industries operates.


Organization's Location
in qui
Program Location
ut amet sint duis commodo irure elit laborum ex irure
Organization Type
  • sit sint nisi dolore aute in ea esse sint velit
  • laborum dolore irure nulla occaecat eiusmod qui sit esse ea
  • et anim occaecat consectetur consequat
  • ullamco anim anim minim in elit
  • laborum dolore cillum amet velit mollit labore id culpa magna dolore do esse consectetur qui
500 – 5k


Step 1: cillum laborum
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: culpa pariatur (velit ullamco)