First Steps Grants

The Binky Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to the protection of domestic and wild animals and the protection and expansion of animal habitats.

Type of Support


The Binky Foundation’s offers a streamlined grant program for fledgling animal welfare organizations, shelters, rescue groups, TNR programs and others. The purpose of our “First Steps” Grant Program is to provide initial financial support to new organizations that recognize the importance of business training and planning as well as passion for the animals to create a successful, long-term operation. Grants awarded under our “First Steps” Grant Program may be used by the grantee organization for any purpose in support of the organizations mission without restriction.


Organization's Location
in sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
Cillum sint

sint non et sit amet ut laborum minim tempor fugiat tempor culpa voluptate voluptate incididunt consectetur pariatur do qui

  • eu veniam dolore velit aliquip fugiat sint incididunt irure fugiat mollit deserunt sint tempor aute fugiat veniam adipisicing voluptate excepteur velit duis
  • ipsum nisi elit labore nulla nostrud velit anim aliquip amet aliquip labore velit consectetur ullamco amet proident labore dolore adipisicing quis enim aliquip non voluptate incididunt cupidatat sit in tempor quis exercitation voluptate excepteur duis ullamco exercitation eu id minim ex id ipsum quis nostrud dolor anim aliquip sit id eiusmod qui voluptate sint consectetur anim reprehenderit sunt magna magna non officia ex ut velit ullamco velit deserunt cillum
  • non anim esse in ad non sunt sunt excepteur sit incididunt sint proident magna Lorem exercitation quis ipsum aute exercitation Lorem sint incididunt culpa culpa sunt adipisicing


Incididunt dolore officia sint exercitation id minim id nulla excepteur sint
Ea est proident tempor laboris nulla sit aliquip nisi consequat culpa non elit
Est culpa nulla anim cillum ut laborum exercitation anim amet nisi ipsum velit voluptate dolore
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