Margaret Haas Rotunno Memorial Fund for Local No Kill Shelters

From Lehigh Valley Community Foundation

The Community Foundation is dedicated to supporting Lehigh Valley youth and families by managing funds focused on providing comprehensive approaches for engaging youth and their families in pursuing meaningful life aspirations. This involves flexible funding for organizations aimed at early childhood and other critical developmental periods, recognizing the importance of quality childcare for a vibrant, healthy economy while addressing the existing early childcare education crisis.

Type of Support


The Area-of-Interest Funds at the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation support programs and initiatives within chosen fields such as the environment, camperships, or no-kill animal shelters. These funds are awarded based on the recommendations of a community committee dedicated to specific initiatives. One particular fund, the Magaret Haas Rotunno Memorial Fund for Local No Kill Shelters, established in memory of Mrs. Rotunno in 2002, provides grants to no-kill shelters in Bucks, Northampton, and Lehigh Counties. These grants support charitable programs, especially those aimed at promoting spay and neuter awareness, low cost and/or subsidized spaying and neutering programs, and advocating for an indoor-only lifestyle for domestic felines.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
not specified


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