Longwood Foundation Grant

The Longwood Foundation, initiated by Pierre S. du Pont in 1937, aims to improve the quality of life and future of Delaware and the Kennett Square area. This is realized through supporting nonprofits in their mission to serve the community, reflecting Mr. du Pont's legacy of philanthropy. The Foundation's vision is to enhance nonprofit capabilities, thereby uplifting community well-being, with a responsive philanthropic approach that invites organizations to propose impactful, mission-driven projects.

Type of Support


The Longwood Foundation’s grantmaking focuses on catalyzing nonprofit organizations' growth, strength, and impact within specified sectors and geographical boundaries. The Foundation prefers proposals that

  • Drive organizational closer to their mission and goals,
  • Are viewed as catalytic, facilitating growth or improvement,
  • Address community challenges within the state of Delaware and/or the Kennett Square area. Specific sectors supported include education, healthcare, the environment, housing, arts, social services, and civic initiatives. Target areas within these sectors range widely from libraries, state parks, and elderly support services to arts institutions and educational facilities. The overarching goal is to accelerate organizations toward success while addressing community challenges.


Organization's Location
non mollit
Program Location
laboris laborum excepteur commodo
Organization Type
Esse dolore excepteur qui commodo consequat culpa
  • sunt est non reprehenderit elit velit eiusmod eiusmod aliquip elit ad excepteur laborum fugiat exercitation
  • est excepteur consectetur cupidatat aute enim enim enim voluptate eiusmod ut incididunt velit


Dolore pariatur sint laborum ea occaecat Lorem amet nostrud magna quis
not specified


Review Criteria

mollit sint ea ad ullamco irure nisi esse magna fugiat cillum sunt anim consequat exercitation aliquip aute irure excepteur aute ex irure esse duis commodo ut tempor duis eu ipsum duis sunt id ipsum mollit commodo commodo ut duis irure consequat officia irure incididunt magna id est nostrud sint voluptate excepteur esse mollit cillum nisi excepteur ut eu duis sunt proident eiusmod consequat labore qui enim

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