Longwood Foundation Grant

The Longwood Foundation, initiated by Pierre S. du Pont in 1937, aims to improve the quality of life and future of Delaware and the Kennett Square area. This is realized through supporting nonprofits in their mission to serve the community, reflecting Mr. du Pont's legacy of philanthropy. The Foundation's vision is to enhance nonprofit capabilities, thereby uplifting community well-being, with a responsive philanthropic approach that invites organizations to propose impactful, mission-driven projects.

Type of Support


The Longwood Foundation's grant program seeks to fund catalytic proposals from nonprofit organizations that drive significant impact and improvement in their operations and community service efforts. Focused on the state of Delaware and the Kennett Square area, the foundation supports a broad range of sectors including education, healthcare, environmental conservation, housing, the arts, social services, and civic initiatives. Specific areas of interest include libraries, state parks, elderly and youth services, arts institutions, K-12 and higher education, medical centers, and housing development. The foundation emphasizes responsive philanthropy, encouraging nonprofits to submit proposals that they believe will most effectively address critical community challenges within the foundation’s geographic focus.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Chester County), DE
Organization Type
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Located in and/or benefiting the residents, environment, or culture of the state of Delaware
  • Within a four-mile radius of Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania


Groups not eligible to apply for a grant: Those seeking funding for more than 50% of their project cost.
not specified


Review Criteria

We give priority to proposals that aim for transformative results, characterized by a detailed and systematic approach, along with the necessary organizational capabilities, including financial stability, leadership, and proven experience. An organization's and its leadership's historical performance with Longwood significantly influences our funding decisions. Given constraints on space, priority will be accorded to nonprofit organizations that qualify to submit applications in the upcoming funding period.

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