BCBSND: Charitable Giving

The BCBSND Caring Foundation, established in 1989 as a private 501(c)(3) organization, strives to improve the health and well-being of North Dakotans and their communities. Through partnerships, the foundation aims to support sustainable and innovative efforts that promote better outcomes and create lasting change for the health of the state's residents.

Type of Support


The BCBSND Caring Foundation primarily operates as a grant-making entity funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. The foundation's grants are focused on key health issues to positively impact North Dakotans' lives. It supports nonprofit organizations that align with its vision through collaboration on shared outcomes, investment in innovative ideas, and efforts to create lasting change. The foundation also donates to various events and organizations aiming to enhance the overall health and well-being of North Dakota residents, with donation requests evaluated monthly.


Organization's Location
sunt enim
Program Location
Organization Type
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not specified


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