BCBSM Foundation Catalyst Fund

From Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation

The mission of the BCBSM Foundation is to support community-based health care organizations in Massachusetts by strengthening their capacity to expand access to health care. Through funding from employees of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, the Foundation aims to distribute grants to a diverse range of health centers, clinics, health care advocacy groups, and community-based organizations, thereby facilitating better health services and innovations in health care.

Type of Support


The BCBSM Foundation Catalyst Fund provides a one-time, non-renewable grant of up to $5,000 for a twelve-month period, targeting community-based organizations in Massachusetts to enhance their ability to serve the health and healthcare needs of low-income and vulnerable residents. The grant program places a high emphasis on capacity-building initiatives that allow organizations to be more proactive and innovative. Eligible activities under this grant include hiring consultant grant writers or fundraisers, technology enhancements, purchasing medical equipment and training, hosting community meetings, providing leadership and professional development, engaging in strategic planning, and producing marketing or outreach materials. The Fund seeks to support organizations that, even if health is not their core activity, illustrate a strong link to health or health care in their proposed activities.


Organization's Location
nostrud consequat
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 7.5k


Review Criteria

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