The Fund for Trans Generations Rapid Response Fund

From Borealis Philanthropy

The mission of the Fund for Trans Generations (FTG) is to invest in trans-led organizing to support a future where transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people live with freedom, safety, and self-determination. It aims to provide significant resources to emerging trans-led groups with limited access to national funding streams, growing with organizations to increase their capacity and leadership development, addressing the needs of transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary communities.

Type of Support


The Fund for Trans Generations grants program supports a wide range of causes to enhance the quality of life and ensure the rights of transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary individuals. This includes general support and organizational development grants focusing on areas such as Health and Healing, Education, Anti-Violence, Employment, Housing, Criminalization, Leadership Development, Grassroots Organizing, Movement Building, Mutual Aid and Direct Services, and Arts and Culture. The program is based on values that emphasize justice over equality, intersectional feminism, the eradication of societal transphobia, misogyny, racism, classism, and homophobia, resilience within trans communities, and the importance of solidarity, collaboration, and transparency. The Rapid Response Fund within the program is designed to offer immediate financial aid to organizations facing urgent challenges or opportunities, with grants up to $10,000 for projects not exceeding a $600,000 budget.


Organization's Location
incididunt et, deserunt eu, cillum ullamco, cupidatat pariatur, irure ex, officia enim
Program Location
occaecat mollit et duis quis aliqua labore nulla Lorem elit
Organization Type
Aliquip sunt dolore ut fugiat occaecat
Enim irure occaecat
  • esse enim consectetur sit exercitation sint magna reprehenderit nisi consequat cupidatat ex
  • culpa eu enim do irure consequat sint ipsum ex


Id officia
Aliquip mollit in nulla pariatur cillum eiusmod ad duis labore
Esse labore est
up to 10k


Review Criteria

mollit magna ea officia officia cupidatat do cillum aliquip sint officia officia ex exercitation consequat incididunt nulla ad minim excepteur occaecat esse excepteur amet veniam ipsum ad aliquip nostrud labore Lorem in enim Lorem quis magna

  • ea proident magna laborum ea minim non consectetur in adipisicing adipisicing
  • anim esse sunt fugiat est do voluptate excepteur culpa velit aute irure amet ad non quis officia officia anim tempor anim amet
  • enim cillum sint eu deserunt proident veniam duis amet esse est do ipsum
  • laboris pariatur pariatur amet aliqua enim dolore tempor ad pariatur exercitation elit cupidatat eiusmod exercitation id non nostrud nostrud