Frankel Family Foundation Grants

From Frankel Family Foundation

The Frankel Family Foundation aims to create a world of equal opportunity within a healthy, sustainable planet. It focuses on promoting a just society that safeguards both the environment and its diverse inhabitants. The foundation is motivated by Jewish values of justice ("tzedak") and is committed to combating climate change, supporting sustainable energy initiatives, and addressing the developed world's reliance on fossil fuels.

Type of Support


The Frankel Family Foundation directs its support towards national organizations in the United States that are leaders in grassroots organizing and advocacy for sustainable energy and significant reduction in carbon emissions. Specific areas of interest include combatting climate change, advancing access to quality education for refugees, youth development, mental health, and furthering the interests of the Jewish community and a peaceful, democratic Israel. The foundation offers grants of up to $100,000, which can be for general operations, project or program support, capacity building, or capital campaigns, but generally does not support local or place-based environmental projects.


Organization's Location
nisi anim
Program Location
Organization Type
Duis cillum eu quis non ullamco
Minim pariatur laboris ad cupidatat
  • laboris mollit aliqua dolor aute ex
  • sit tempor aute ullamco irure dolor sit Lorem laborum aute cillum consectetur laboris
  • anim anim
  • nulla in laboris magna
  • exercitation officia nisi consectetur veniam
  • nostrud esse amet velit excepteur cillum laborum nostrud exercitation culpa sint minim et aliqua est ullamco


Ad incididunt laboris duis qui proident tempor
Exercitation non anim mollit dolor sit consectetur
Sint mollit
15k – 100k


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