Global Fund for Children Grants: Become a Partner

From Global Fund for Children

The funder aims to improve the lives of children and youth in communities worldwide through partnerships with dynamic, courageous organizations. The focus is on forging collaborations with groups that align with their values and mission, particularly those who can significantly benefit from such a partnership and are positioned to drive youth-centered change. They prioritize innovation, leadership from within local communities, and efforts that combat poverty, injustice, and discrimination against young people, aiming to advance children and youth’s rights globally.

Type of Support


The grant program is designed around a partnership model that supports organizations working with children and youth across the globe. The program seeks to identify innovative, early-stage organizations led by local leaders to provide flexible funding for programs and organizational development. Their approach includes not only financial support but also capacity development services aimed at realizing transformational, youth-driven change. They prioritize creating sustainable solutions, building networks of social change, and promoting the rights of children and youth in areas such as education, emphasizing grassroots organizations tackling poverty's root causes with innovative solutions. The program operates in five key regions - Africa, the Americas, Europe and Eurasia, and Asia, focusing on supporting organizations that offer comprehensive care and become leaders in children’s rights, influencing policies and practices to benefit youth at large.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Know your community and live or work in the areas you serve
  • Aim to improve the lives of children and youth
  • Embrace discovery, learning, and getting better at what you do
  • Appreciate that you can’t make change alone and see yourself as part of a larger system
  • Address themes of education, freedom from violence and exploitation, gender equity, or youth empowerment
  • Have local nonprofit or charitable status or can accept international funds
  • Protect children and youth with a safeguarding policy or agree to implement one


Local offices, affiliates, or projects of large INGOs
Governments, or intergovernmental organizations
Efforts to support or oppose candidates for public office
Evangelism or proselytizing, or programs that require adherence to or conversion to religious doctrine
Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation
Groups that conduct or support violent activities or violate criminal law
not specified


Review Criteria

We prioritize funding a select number of bold organizations worldwide that embody the following criteria:

  • They aim to create widespread impact on all young individuals within their community but prioritize those marginalized due to race, gender, gender identity, socio-economic status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin, geography, or other discriminating factors.
  • The organization is youth-led or significantly influenced by young people in leadership or other critical roles.
  • They exhibit a strong commitment to evaluating the effectiveness and impact of their initiatives, demonstrating a continuous improvement mindset fueled by already witnessed positive outcomes.
  • Their approach to addressing longstanding challenges is innovative and adaptable, marked by intelligent risk-taking, creativity, and responsiveness to evolving circumstances.
  • A keen awareness of the importance of networking across diverse stakeholders to drive systemic change, coupled with efforts to expand these connections, is essential.
  • They advocate for youth empowerment, encouraging young individuals to engage in advocacy, express their opinions, and assert their rights.
  • There is a clear understanding of how advocacy can be a transformative force in altering perceptions, societal norms, and policies, and a concise strategy for implementing this understanding in their work.

This foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations that not only envision but actively work towards invoking significant, sustainable change in the lives of young people, especially those who are historically underserved and underrepresented.