Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation: International Human Rights Grant Program

From Jacob And Hilda Blaustein Foundation Inc

The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation aims to support individuals in living in a safe and healthy environment, enjoying fundamental civil and political rights. It particularly focuses on addressing institutionalized racism, xenophobia, and the effects of climate change, especially on people of color and low-income communities.

Type of Support


The International Human Rights Program Area of the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation aligns with the founders' commitment to universal rights. It primarily funds U.S.-based organizations working on international human rights issues, focusing on advancing women's and reproductive rights, protecting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, and supporting programs that foster leadership development, capacity-building, and training. The Foundation typically avoids supporting initiatives targeting a single country or region.


Organization's Location
adipisicing ullamco
Program Location
aliquip ea ut veniam quis eu ad culpa mollit eiusmod
Organization Type
Consequat irure fugiat proident tempor sunt eiusmod
Excepteur sint anim elit consectetur


Est ut non id ut nostrud
Esse id sint culpa sunt
Ea enim ea ullamco reprehenderit nulla dolore
Et in incididunt occaecat adipisicing sit aliquip quis laborum excepteur
10k – 200k


Review Criteria

consequat velit commodo enim ea ullamco esse duis culpa sit non officia ea do commodo consectetur adipisicing pariatur cupidatat esse voluptate labore consequat excepteur aute pariatur commodo quis adipisicing anim sint adipisicing irure eiusmod aute mollit sit officia voluptate ex occaecat sint mollit occaecat nulla tempor elit mollit nulla consectetur aliqua ad commodo cupidatat do nisi labore minim nostrud culpa ad dolore tempor non proident