The mission of Breast Cancer Alliance is to improve survival rates and quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer through better prevention, early detection, treatment, and cure. The Alliance invests in innovative research, breast surgery fellowships, education, dignified regional support, and screening for the underserved.
Type of Support
Breast Cancer Alliance funds four types of annual grants to support its mission:
Exceptional Project Research Grants aim to support innovative research in the field.
Young Investigator Research Grants are designed to advance the careers of young researchers by providing them with the necessary funds to conduct independent research projects.
Breast Surgery Fellowships Grants are awarded to encourage advancements in surgical techniques and care.
Education and Outreach Grants focus on increasing awareness and providing screening and support services, especially for the underserved. Specifically, Young Investigator Grants provide $125,000 over two years, including salary support and project costs, with indirect costs limited to 8% of total direct costs.
Organization's Location
ad irure
Program Location
Organization Type
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