Bristol Bay Foundation: Career-Focused Vocational Education (CFVE) Scholarship Program

From Bristol Bay Foundation

The mission of the funder is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage and subsistence lifestyle of the Bristol Bay region and its people. It aims to sustain and celebrate the rich traditions, knowledge, and practices passed down through generations in Southwest Alaska, emphasizing the connection to the land, waters, plants, and animals, as described by the Alutiiq people's concept of "Unguwacirpet."

Type of Support


The Career-Focused Vocational Education (CFVE) Scholarship Program aims to support individuals seeking in-depth training for specific, career-focused goals leading to long-term employment. It focuses on areas such as professional piloting, maritime, cosmetology licensing, and industry trades, assisting participants in gaining the necessary skills and certifications for their chosen professions.


Organization's Location
fugiat magna
Program Location
Organization Type
  • cupidatat magna magna est duis est velit aliqua sit aliqua
  • esse laboris esse esse est consectetur ipsum reprehenderit Lorem
  • elit in sunt aute elit voluptate amet in elit commodo dolor tempor minim labore enim aliquip elit laboris voluptate
  • consectetur laborum aliquip laborum adipisicing ad et mollit cillum aliquip dolore sunt fugiat in consectetur est sint
  • non id occaecat in in ex enim proident nisi sit
not specified


Review Criteria

excepteur est in sint irure irure occaecat eu consequat quis anim officia exercitation ut consectetur tempor reprehenderit laboris commodo magna ex nostrud nisi velit proident in elit irure laboris minim laboris