Corporate Support: Grants & Corporate Donations

From Brookshire Grocery Company

At Brookshire Grocery Company, our central aim is to positively impact people's lives in the communities where we operate. Our commitment extends to improving hunger relief, education, health, family wellbeing, and honoring first responders, military, and veterans. Through various donations, we strive to create meaningful differences within these critical areas, reinforcing our dedication to serving and enriching our communities.

Type of Support


Brookshire Grocery Company's grant program focuses on several key areas: education, hunger relief, family support, and honoring heroes. The company invests over a million dollars into educational programs, including scholarships and literacy initiatives, to support students' futures. It is actively involved in fighting hunger by collaborating with food banks and other organizations, especially through initiatives like the Spirit of Christmas Food Drive. Family support is another pillar, with over $1 million annually donated to organizations that promote family wellbeing. Additionally, the company honors veterans through the Heroes Flight program and supports related charities. The grant program also details the process for applying for corporate support, specifying guidelines based on the request's value and emphasizing the importance of local community impact for eligibility.


Organization's Location
elit ea
Program Location
pariatur cillum laboris laborum esse culpa occaecat ea irure laboris
Organization Type
Occaecat ipsum duis qui mollit sit
Esse do enim minim et exercitation ut dolor nulla do occaecat ipsum elit non dolore sint velit
Elit minim reprehenderit consectetur eu cupidatat ex
  • adipisicing mollit sit excepteur fugiat Lorem duis ut Lorem officia


In cupidatat
Sit amet id
Aliquip labore amet officia ullamco
500 – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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