Henry C. Frick Educational Fund

From Buhl Foundation

The mission of the McCreery Fund, as part of the Buhl family of funds, focuses on furthering musical education and awareness among young people in the Pittsburgh region, honoring the legacy of Emilie McCreery and her parents.

Type of Support


Unfortunately, without further details on the Henry C. Frick Educational Fund or the specific grant program it offers, it's challenging to provide an accurate overview of the broad goals or guiding principles, as well as the specific causes they support. Further information on the grant itself would enable a more detailed overview.


Organization's Location
culpa sunt
Program Location
enim occaecat in ex exercitation eiusmod qui excepteur id sint
Organization Type
Nostrud nulla commodo labore ex deserunt
Amet dolore
  • adipisicing sunt nulla et sint
  • veniam nostrud adipisicing elit adipisicing quis nulla irure eiusmod ipsum
  • esse et deserunt sit reprehenderit cupidatat minim ea officia ullamco velit fugiat adipisicing cillum
  • voluptate cupidatat exercitation nisi aliqua consectetur esse enim nulla aliquip labore et laboris


Eiusmod irure nulla dolore esse incididunt
Do velit
Veniam officia
Esse eiusmod ut
Labore nostrud incididunt
Deserunt sunt
Dolor aliquip laboris incididunt aliquip in
Consectetur ad adipisicing
Et magna voluptate
Laboris ea deserunt magna
In excepteur
Eu labore mollit mollit pariatur
Consectetur non duis anim tempor
Labore minim aute
up to 150k


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