The Slemp Foundation Charitable Grants

    From The C. Bascom Slemp Foundation

    The Slemp Foundation is dedicated to honoring the wishes of Campbell Bascom Slemp by improving the health, education, and welfare of residents (or their descendants) in Lee and Wise County, Virginia. It also supports the care, maintenance, and development of the Janie Slemp Newman Museum (Southwest Virginia Museum), and the care and maintenance of the Slemp Cemetery and the Seminary Methodist Church in Lee County, Virginia.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to uphold the specific causes outlined by the foundation: enhancing health, education, and welfare of the local population in designated areas, as well as preserving significant cultural and historical sites within the region. This includes the development and maintenance of a museum and church, alongside the upkeep of a cemetery, all pivotal to the community's heritage and continuous development.


    Organization's Location
    aliqua laborum
    Program Location
    esse non cupidatat nisi nisi
    Organization Type
    Cillum consectetur excepteur cupidatat duis ea
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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