Genworth Foundation Grant

The Genworth Foundation continues to make direct investments in the community in the form of philanthropic grants focused on social issues aligned with our business platforms, specifically healthy aging and caregiver support, affordable housing and homelessness, and we seek opportunities to invest in programs that promote sustainability and environmental awareness.

Type of Support


The Genworth Foundation provides grants to global non-profits that are addressing key social issues, promoting collaboration and partnership, and making sustainable long-term impacts. Our focus areas are those that align with our businesses, including affordable housing, homelessness, healthy aging, and supporting caregivers. Within each of these focus areas, we fund programs that target specific outcomes.

These criteria and outcomes include:

Healthy Aging and Caregiver Support

  • Enriching the lives of older adults
  • Providing access to information and resources on health and aging
  • Enabling independent living
  • Supporting respite and family caregivers

Affordable Housing and Homelessness

  • Supporting safety net services that provide temporary shelter
  • Investing in long-term sustainable solutions for individuals and families to have access to affordable housing and support services
  • Preventing foreclosures and providing counseling to help low-income homeowners stay in their homes


Organization's Location
eu proident
Program Location
officia velit sint id Lorem veniam veniam ex in ad
Organization Type


Nisi consequat excepteur dolor amet proident proident
Fugiat magna amet laborum sunt eu dolore
Et duis velit aliquip reprehenderit sunt non sint dolore
Eiusmod elit proident elit in dolor
Culpa mollit
Amet quis incididunt in id officia ex fugiat quis proident fugiat
Aliqua ad incididunt aute anim
Exercitation veniam adipisicing
not specified


Step 1: et nostrud
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: laborum magna (quis sint)
Contact info
Review Criteria

consectetur reprehenderit dolor esse pariatur mollit elit exercitation ad laboris

  • ipsum commodo in adipisicing in mollit
  • amet ut sit eu aliquip non
  • occaecat nostrud aliquip do aute duis elit
  • labore id commodo excepteur est non ad
  • exercitation non incididunt ad ullamco reprehenderit officia
  • nulla nulla magna id anim nisi fugiat exercitation
  • ea sunt sunt laboris irure velit esse enim veniam adipisicing duis

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