Carlsbad Community Foundation Grant

From Carlsbad Community Foundation Inc.

The mission of the Carlsbad Community Foundation is to improve the lives of people in Carlsbad and South Eddy County, New Mexico. They support programs and projects that enhance community capacity and quality of life across various areas, including civic involvement, health, diversity, arts and culture, and education, while excluding support for event sponsorships, marketing activities, sports, travel, or political activities.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Carlsbad Community Foundation encourages proposals from non-profit organizations for projects that align with the Foundation's mission to improve the lives of people in the local community, focusing on Carlsbad and South Eddy County. The foundation evaluates these projects based on their community benefits and gives preference to those that encourage challenge gifts, where distributions are contingent on matching gifts from other donors. The grants and scholarships primarily support initiatives within the immediate geographical area.


Organization's Location
ut cupidatat
Program Location
amet duis voluptate
Organization Type
Aute ea
  • enim commodo mollit Lorem
  • laboris nisi cillum ea quis cupidatat
  • amet laboris occaecat aliqua aliqua elit tempor dolore cupidatat
not specified


Review Criteria

nisi voluptate anim dolore fugiat enim Lorem magna commodo magna aliquip laboris pariatur nostrud qui consectetur id ut

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