Catholic Extension is a national fundraising organization dedicated to aiding and fortifying impoverished mission dioceses across the United States. Since its inception in 1905, it has contributed over $500 million to American communities, motivated by a need, passion, and commitment to enhance the growth of the Catholic faith.
The "Enhancing Pastoral and Social Ministry Grants" are designed to support the church's pastoral and social outreach ministries beyond basic operational needs. Specifically, these grants focus on establishing, expanding, or enhancing initiatives that can include: acquiring and maintaining catechetical resources like Bibles, supporting marriage and family ministries, funding Catholic radio and television for evangelization, improving liturgical ministries and church life, extending social outreach to vulnerable groups such as the homeless, immigrants, or incarcerated, and providing minor support after disasters to restore ecclesial services. This program seeks to empower Catholic communities through strategic investment in ministries that have a profound impact on church life and society.