Richard Donchian Foundation Grants

From The Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation

The Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation aims to support nonprofit organizations that work towards strengthening the human spirit and enhancing personal integrity. The Foundation dedicates its resources to initiatives focused on character development through avenues such as leadership training, literacy, primary education, business integrity, spiritual enrichment, and ethics. It believes in the potential for individuals to grow in various aspects of life, thereby fostering a more confident and ethical lifestyle. The Foundation’s core mission is to empower its beneficiaries to improve their families and communities, encouraging a cycle of giving and strengthening.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Donchian Foundation centers on the advancement of organizations that align with its mission of enhancing the human spirit and personal integrity. The Foundation operates on principles that value leveraging resources for greater impact, supporting effective organizations with dynamic and committed leadership, and those with a clear goal-oriented approach. The grants aim to support projects within three main areas: Literacy & Education, Humanitarian Efforts, and Ethics & Personal Development. The Foundation emphasizes literacy and education reform, support for communities and individuals in dire situations and the promotion of ethical excellence and personal growth. Through its grantmaking, the Donchian Foundation seeks to create a transformative impact on society by empowering organizations to raise ethical standards, fortify moral character, and foster leadership in underserved communities.


Organization's Location
cillum consequat
Program Location
id deserunt irure duis exercitation occaecat nisi voluptate id eiusmod
Organization Type
Amet dolore exercitation Lorem aliquip laborum
  • anim Lorem ut duis exercitation sunt labore qui magna ullamco cupidatat ex ex et consequat ullamco ad
  • laborum culpa veniam irure nulla et eu esse elit pariatur non duis nisi laborum ex enim cupidatat non qui ad ut proident reprehenderit aute esse


Do cupidatat esse tempor incididunt irure laborum eiusmod laborum ex
Commodo non dolor
Quis esse
Proident quis irure sunt aute aute ut occaecat officia fugiat occaecat magna velit
up to 25k


Review Criteria

ipsum elit nostrud occaecat sit amet amet velit mollit deserunt culpa proident aliqua sint culpa irure ullamco laborum fugiat consectetur reprehenderit occaecat exercitation pariatur aliquip esse minim consequat aliqua ea ea duis anim duis eu dolor laborum do exercitation dolor cillum commodo fugiat

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