Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation aims to honor Conrad N. Hilton's legacy by awarding an annual humanitarian prize to nonprofit organizations that have demonstrated exceptional efforts in alleviating human suffering globally.

Type of Support


The Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize, established in 1996 and valued at $2.5 million, stands as the largest yearly humanitarian award globally. It celebrates nonprofit organizations that have shown remarkable achievement in reducing human suffering. The Prize calls for nominations that highlight the organization's historical and recent successes, focusing on extraordinary contributions to alleviating human suffering, a proven track record, demonstrable impact, innovation, and effectiveness in partnerships, program design, organizational capacity, and administrative efficiency. An independent, international jury, after thorough evaluations by the Prize staff, decides on the awardee.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or equivalent for international organizations
  • Must be organizations, not individuals
  • Must be nongovernmental, publicly supported charitable organizations
  • Legally established for at least five years
  • Expenditures greater than U.S. $750,000 in the most recent audited fiscal year of operation
  • If an organization has multiple branch offices, the umbrella organization is strongly encouraged to be the nominee


Officers, employees, or individuals receiving remuneration from the nominated organization
Board members receiving payment for their service
Family members of an officer or employee of the nominated organization
Founders of the nominated organization
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation employees, board members, Prize jurors, or their family members
Hilton family members
Program or project initiatives of larger institutions, even if they have their own budget


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