CCF: Centinela Valley Medical & Community Funds – Integration, Collaboration, Advocacy

From CCF Community Initiatives Fund

The California Community Foundation aims to strengthen Los Angeles County by supporting nonprofit organizations, foundations, and government institutions. It focuses on promoting positive social change, enriching people’s lives, and offering support to vulnerable communities, including immigrants. Through its grantmaking, the foundation seeks to address key challenges such as health disparities, access to medical services, and advocacy for policy changes to benefit underrepresented populations.

Type of Support


The California Community Foundation’s grant program for the Centinela Valley is targeted at improving health access and quality of life for children and adults in South L.A., particularly within specified zip codes. The broad goals of this initiative include increasing the integration of comprehensive health services, fostering collaborations across sectors to address the root causes of health disparities with a focus on racial/ethnic differences and immigration status, and supporting health policy and advocacy efforts aimed at promoting universal access to health care and public benefits. This grant program explicitly supports projects improving immigrant health access, behavioral health, and health policy and advocacy in the Centinela Valley.


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