The Community Fund for Carmel Valley (CFCV) aims to serve residents, businesses, and organizations in Carmel Valley by enabling contributions to the greater good. As an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Monterey County, it leverages administrative, investment, and grantmaking expertise to improve the lives of community members both presently and in the future. Governed by a local advisory board of volunteer community members, its mission centers around oversight, fundraising, setting grantmaking priorities, and awarding grants to achieve substantial local impact.
The Community Impact Grants by the Community Foundation for Monterey County support ventures in five key areas: Children & Youth Development, Health & Human Services, Community Development, Arts & Culture, and Historic Preservation, with an emphasis on small grants for emerging projects and first-time applicants. These grants aim to support early childhood education, youth development, health and independent living services, engagement and empowerment in community-building and economic security, access to cultural experiences, preservation of local history, and environmental and animal welfare initiatives. Program support, operating support, and capital support are offered based on the organization's history of community benefit and the promise of project efficacy and sustainability.
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