Active Transportation Grant Program

From California Transportation System

The mission of the funder, presumably a governmental body responsible for the Active Transportation Program (ATP), is to make California a national leader in active transportation. This initiative consolidates various transportation programs into one comprehensive effort, with the enhancement of active modes of transport like biking and walking at its core. Funding is allocated from revenues of the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account, ensuring a substantial annual investment towards these objectives.

Type of Support


The Active Transportation Program (ATP) aims to promote the use of active transportation modes, such as biking and walking, to increase the proportion of trips accomplished by these methods, enhance safety and mobility for non-motorized users, and advance regional active transportation efforts to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets. It also focuses on improving public health, including combating childhood obesity, with an emphasis on programs similar to Safe Routes to School. Moreover, it seeks to guarantee that disadvantaged communities gain their fair share of the program's benefits and to support a wide range of projects for various active transportation users.


Organization's Location
minim excepteur
Program Location
Organization Type
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