Oak Woodlands Conservation Program

From California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)

The Wildlife Conservation Board protects, restores and enhances California’s spectacular natural resources for wildlife and for the public’s use and enjoyment in partnership with conservation groups, government agencies and the people of California.

Type of Support


The Oak Woodlands Conservation Program is aimed at facilitating funding for landowners, conservation organizations, cities, and counties for projects that conserve and restore California's oak woodlands. It operates statewide but focuses on addressing oak woodland issues based on regional priorities. The program supports the protection of oak woodlands through local efforts, serving as a bridge between ranchers and conservationists to promote sustainable ranch and farming operations alongside healthy oak ecosystems.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Private landowners
Local government entities
Park and open space districts
Resource conservation districts
Nonprofit organizations
  • Must consult with the local county or city for certification that the proposal is consistent with the local Oak Woodlands Management Plan
  • If the land spans more than one county or city's jurisdiction, each must certify the proposal's consistency with their Oak Woodlands Management Plan
  • Projects must aim for restoration, enhancement, or the purchase of an oak conservation easement, or establish a long-term agreement
  • Must meet criteria such as providing wildlife values, containing diverse oak woodlands, enhancing wildlife movement, contributing to regional goals, being a working landscape with stewardship practices, reducing habitat conversion risks, and potentially serving as a stewardship model
  • Education, outreach, and technical assistance projects must aim to communicate the benefits of oak woodland conservation, target a broad audience, entail collaborative efforts, encourage conservation through voluntary approaches, offer resources for land conservation, set measurable goals, and potentially share information online without disclosing private details
not specified


Review Criteria

The WCB supports the development of projects in collaboration with partners focused on tackling issues related to regional landscapes and the preservation of oaks. Engaging in partnerships introduces a variety of skills, knowledge, perspectives, and occasionally additional funding, enhancing the project's potential for success beyond what might be achievable independently.

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