Chambers Family Foundation Grant

From Chambers Family Foundation

The Chambers Family Foundation aims to give back to the community in a significant manner by prioritizing projects and programs in arts, education, medical, health, and human needs. Focused on enriching the lives of those in Oregon's Lane, Benton, and Deschutes Counties, the foundation seeks to continue Carolyn Chambers' legacy of combining business acumen with a deep love for Oregon and its residents.

Type of Support


The grant program administrated by the Chambers Family Foundation primarily targets initiatives within arts, education, medical, health, and human needs specifically in Lane, Benton, and Deschutes Counties, Oregon. It prioritizes projects that have the highest potential for aligning with the foundation's values and making a substantial impact on the community.


Organization's Location
culpa exercitation
Program Location
eu aute laborum qui adipisicing id proident
Organization Type
  • sint eiusmod minim aute ullamco minim tempor voluptate officia aliquip dolore
  • amet ut in fugiat sint magna eiusmod aliquip dolor
  • exercitation aute adipisicing elit quis aliqua do laboris ipsum ad eiusmod ullamco minim
  • et officia quis dolore veniam incididunt et consectetur cillum est consequat incididunt dolore nulla
  • do cillum pariatur pariatur exercitation labore


Enim mollit veniam
1k – 10k


Review Criteria

nulla fugiat nisi nulla sit est minim veniam

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