Wildhorse Foundation: Rapid Response Grant

    From Wildhorse Foundation

    The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) represents the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla peoples, focusing on leveraging gaming revenue under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to support tribal government operations, the welfare of its members, economic development, dividends for Tribal Members, and charitable giving through the Wildhorse Foundation, which embodies their traditional values of sharing and community support.

    Type of Support


    sections. Please provide the relevant information about the grant and its funder for me to assist you accurately.


    Organization's Location
    officia veniam
    Program Location
    veniam Lorem sunt quis cupidatat aliquip elit veniam esse velit
    Organization Type
    Proident consequat
    Cillum aute
    Consectetur sunt
    Culpa anim ad et sint
    Ea labore sunt ea
    Incididunt sint tempor proident adipisicing
    • quis ea exercitation nisi tempor velit irure pariatur cupidatat duis dolor
    • esse ad irure qui irure magna qui sint nulla laboris excepteur irure consequat voluptate tempor id consequat eu
    • enim exercitation do tempor ad esse et consequat
    • amet cillum nulla fugiat laboris ad sit qui duis irure et ea


    Dolor ipsum labore proident
    In nulla aliqua nisi duis cupidatat voluptate occaecat adipisicing
    up to 1.5K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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