Charles Lamar Family Foundation Grant

    The Charles Lamar Family Foundation, established by Charles W. Lamar III in 2000, aims to provide financial support through grants to organizations endeavoring to make a difference, primarily in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area. While open to all 501(c)(3) organizations, it focuses on projects within its areas of interest, particularly K-12 education, companion animal welfare, and water resources, expecting funded projects to adhere strictly to their proposed objectives and outcomes.

    Type of Support


    The Charles Lamar Family Foundation's grant program supports a variety of initiatives, focusing on new or expanded activities such as building funds, new programs, new staff positions, or the expansion of existing programs. Additionally, it offers bridge funding to established organizations facing a sudden loss of funding sources. It aims to support projects in three special interest areas: Pre-K–12 education, companion animal welfare, and water resources. Organizations seeking funding must demonstrate a viable plan for the completion and sustainability of the proposed project or activity.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip enim
    Program Location
    exercitation consectetur irure anim cillum quis magna sint laboris enim
    Organization Type
    Adipisicing fugiat dolor culpa enim Lorem
    • excepteur mollit occaecat magna tempor veniam
    • labore id est Lorem fugiat ex cillum qui et


    Velit cupidatat commodo incididunt voluptate occaecat nostrud ipsum consectetur
    5k – 400k


    Step 1: duis sunt et
    Application deadline
    Mar 20, 2025
    Step 2: nulla enim (cupidatat ipsum)
    Required Attachments
    fugiat laborum mollit proident
    ut proident
    sit ea
    excepteur nostrud consectetur
    voluptate ut
    Review Criteria

    qui qui minim et quis nulla aliqua occaecat culpa ea aliqua nulla eu deserunt elit anim amet commodo ad

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