Charlotte Martin Foundation: Wildlife and Habitat Program

From Charlotte Y Martin Foundation

The Charlotte Martin Foundation is dedicated to increasing racial equity and diversity, specifically for youth ages 6-18. It supports BIPOC-led nonprofit organizations, with a focus on those based in rural communities, and aims to redistribute resources to these organizations, recognizing the critical role they play in areas such as youth education and climate change.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on conserving biodiversity amid climate change challenges. It supports projects that consider climate impacts in conservation planning, engage communities in biodiversity and climate change education, restore critical lands for biodiversity, and ensure ecosystem resilience and connectivity. The program aims to address development pressures on ecosystems by fostering collaboration among stakeholders, utilizing solid conservation biology, and promoting comprehensive strategies for habitat and species conservation. Sustainability principles are central, emphasizing the balance between environment, economics, and equity to preserve wildlife populations and habitats through effective policies and innovative conservation methods.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Headquartered in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, or Alaska
  • Proposed programs must take place within Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, or Alaska


Organizations whose mission statement does not include wildlife and habitat preservation
Preserving small isolated parcels of land
Preservation of land solely for recreational purposes
Projects primarily in urban areas
Wildlife rehabilitation
Captive breeding
City parks
Zoos and aquariums
Production of professional films, videos, books
Travel costs and lodging for conference or event attendance
Fitness, wellness, nutrition, health categories
Education on behavioral issues, bullying, domestic and sexual violence, drug and alcohol abuse
Animals used in therapies
Capital projects
Hardware, technology
Rental of facilities
Pass through funding
Pre-kindergarten programs.
up to 20k


Review Criteria

Acknowledging the essential contribution of BIPOC organizations, the Charlotte Martin Foundation remains committed to collaborating with groups engaged in innovative efforts primarily within youth education and environmental sustainability, focusing particularly on supporting communities of color.

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