Charlotte Martin Foundation: Youth Programs

From Charlotte Y Martin Foundation

The Charlotte Martin Foundation is dedicated to increasing racial equity and diversity, specifically for youth ages 6-18. It supports BIPOC-led nonprofit organizations, with a focus on those based in rural communities, and aims to redistribute resources to these organizations, recognizing the critical role they play in areas such as youth education and climate change.

Type of Support


The grant program supports youth programs within three main areas: Athletics, Culture, and Education, targeting youth ages 6-18. It prioritizes BIPOC-led organizations with diverse leadership that focus on rural communities. The grants aim to:

  • Increase access to diverse cultural experiences.
  • Improve educational opportunities both in and out of school in STEAM and other areas.
  • Enhance early college awareness and access to post-secondary education.
  • Expand access to sports and diversify sports programs. The foundation places a special emphasis on creating opportunities in education, cultural expression, and athletics, aiming to address inequalities in funding and support for BIPOC organizations and communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Located in Washington
  • Located in Oregon
  • Located in Idaho
  • Located in Montana
  • Located in Alaska
  • Organizations must be headquartered in the defined Western states
  • Proposed programs must take place within the defined Western states


Production of professional films, videos, books
Travel costs and lodging for conference or event attendance
Projects related to fitness, wellness, nutrition, health as athletics
Education about behavioral issues, bullying, domestic and sexual violence, drug and alcohol abuse
Use of animals in therapies
Capital projects
Hardware, technology purchases
Rental of facilities
Marketing expenses
Pass through funding
Pre-kindergarten programs
Youth Athletics including large capital investments and fitness equipment
Trips to conferences for Youth Culture
International exchange programs
Passive participation by youth in cultural activities
Artists in residence programs
Admission subsidies or purchase of tickets for events
Children’s testing or test preparation in Youth Education
Purchase of computers or textbooks for youth education
Programs with goals primarily in social services
Curriculum development
Programs for college students
up to 20k


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