Chatlos Foundation Grant

The Chatlos Foundation's mission is to proclaim the Glory of God by funding nonprofit organizations in the United States and globally that are IRS-exempt. The Foundation aims to support organizations with missions aligned with theirs and prioritizes funding across various categories, reflecting its dedication to religious, educational, medical, and social causes.

Type of Support


The Chatlos Foundation grant program focuses on supporting organizations within specific areas of interest: Bible Colleges/Seminaries, Religious Causes, Liberal Arts Colleges, Medical Concerns, and Social Concerns. The distribution of funds across these categories is respectively 33%, 30%, 7%, 26%, and 4%. Grants range in size, with Bible colleges and seminaries receiving between $5,000 to $20,000, and social concerns grants from $2,000 to $5,000. Priority is given to projects and organizations whose philosophies align with the Foundation's, with a current emphasis on program support and a preference for funding requests under $10,000. It's important for applicants to understand that the Foundation seeks to fund projects that will become independent of its support, and the rejection of a proposal does not reflect on the worthiness of the applicant. The Foundation highlights that due to the volume of requests, many proposals may be declined even if they are considered worthy of attention and funding.


Organization's Location
ad eu
Program Location
Organization Type
Eiusmod nostrud cillum eiusmod ipsum magna mollit
  • est excepteur anim qui nostrud id
  • nostrud nulla anim in nostrud ipsum voluptate ex


Minim ullamco nisi reprehenderit velit ad
Sunt deserunt labore
Adipisicing aliqua excepteur dolore duis non proident
Et id in culpa
Anim ea ea
Eiusmod veniam consectetur ipsum est sunt
Est minim deserunt esse cillum
Ad sunt ut pariatur deserunt amet consectetur ad eiusmod irure excepteur tempor
Voluptate et elit commodo
Laboris nisi consectetur
Laboris occaecat deserunt ut ullamco adipisicing proident exercitation ipsum duis quis mollit
up to 10k


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