ChLA Hannah Beiter Graduate Student Research Grants

From Children's Literature Association

The mission of the funder, presumably the Children's Literature Association (ChLA), is to support student participation and contribute to the field of children's literature through encouraging original scholarship and research.

Type of Support


The Hannah Beiter Graduate Student Research Grants aim to support and honor graduate student research in the field of children's literature. With a total fund of up to $5,000 annually, individual awards range from $500 to $1,500. This financial support is designed for proposals of original scholarship with the expectation that the research will lead to publication or conference presentations, thereby contributing to children's literature criticism. Proposals are accepted between December 15 and February 1 each year, and awards are contingent upon the Grants Committee's assessment of the proposals' potential to advance the aims of the Children's Literature Association.


Organization's Location
Lorem dolor
Program Location
Organization Type
Occaecat exercitation
  • labore ullamco magna et ex nulla tempor ipsum excepteur laborum tempor
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Ad excepteur adipisicing cupidatat reprehenderit anim sint voluptate eu laboris ex culpa
500 – 1.5k


Visit Apply for more information.