CHS Foundation Sponsorships

The CHS Foundation is committed to cultivating opportunities in the agriculture sector. Through university partnerships, it aims to support students pursuing agricultural studies by providing program support, mini-grants, and scholarships. The foundation's efforts are geared toward enhancing education and leadership development within the agricultural community.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on event sponsorships that benefit the agriculture or cooperative industry, aiming to support and promote growth within these sectors.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit pariatur
Program Location
voluptate veniam nostrud ea amet deserunt duis sunt occaecat quis
Organization Type
Officia pariatur dolore velit non aliqua ea id
  • duis anim duis Lorem et nulla commodo proident enim tempor est reprehenderit non voluptate sit reprehenderit officia ut nisi occaecat est adipisicing magna esse dolor fugiat amet dolore occaecat
  • qui occaecat ipsum incididunt dolor officia
  • enim velit magna officia cillum culpa velit et ipsum in elit nostrud esse fugiat minim ut id


Non nulla et duis aute
Do est non
Occaecat voluptate amet est
Duis incididunt id aliquip dolore mollit dolor incididunt laboris ullamco reprehenderit nisi
not specified


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