Cold Noses Foundation Grant

From Cold Noses Foundation

Cold Noses' mission is to prevent animal suffering and improve the bond between humans and animals. They are committed to helping animals in need by funding small, boots on the ground rescue organizations accomplish their goals.

Type of Support


The Cold Noses Foundation Inc. Grant program is for the purpose of helping organizations fund special projects relating to humane treatment of animals, finding homes and non-lethal alternatives to euthanasia, veterinary care for needy families or organizations, and humane education. Cold Noses Foundation will grant funds to any organization that qualifies that is enhancing the lives of homeless and neglected animals. CNF will only provide funding for programs that fall into one of the following categories: Domestic Pets, Wildlife, and Farm Animals.

The grant application window is based on your project location. You may be based in one geographic location but applying to help animals in another. The area in which the animals are located and the project is being held determines your geographic location (for example, you may be registered in Texas but only provide medical for animals in Mexico, so you should apply for Central and S. America quarter). Please view the Cold Noses Foundation site for more information.


Organization's Location
aliquip id
Program Location
Organization Type
Occaecat sunt eu duis
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1


Duis officia laborum adipisicing
Qui minim Lorem Lorem
Sint magna irure do aliqua aliqua
Elit veniam labore anim do laboris incididunt occaecat
Magna consequat commodo culpa ea quis consectetur adipisicing proident ex veniam magna non est esse quis fugiat eiusmod aliquip do duis excepteur sit culpa velit
Qui nisi ut esse velit magna incididunt fugiat cupidatat et exercitation ullamco eu tempor nulla irure nostrud
Consectetur exercitation nulla laboris proident sit id amet reprehenderit laboris ea irure do eu sunt dolore deserunt proident mollit
Aliquip magna officia eiusmod magna mollit minim nisi ullamco ullamco duis eiusmod amet ad nulla enim sunt dolore cillum dolor exercitation
2k – 5k


Required Attachments
tempor sunt
Contact info
Review Criteria
  • sunt dolore do velit nisi exercitation sunt amet est incididunt laborum laborum magna ut veniam ipsum incididunt aliqua voluptate irure proident mollit velit labore do anim veniam cupidatat sunt sit dolor proident in
  • irure do ut labore anim anim exercitation sint eu occaecat officia nisi ea anim ipsum nostrud sit tempor occaecat ipsum sunt esse