Public Education, Participation, and Outreach Grant Program: Statewide Initiatives

    From Colorado Department of Natural Resources (CO DNR)

    It’s our mission to manage and conserve Colorado’s natural resources for the benefit of people today – and tomorrow. That means we have to balance development with conservation so the state we all love provides similar opportunities for our children and their children. Our diverse agencies work together to meet the recreational and resource needs of the public.

    Type of Support


    The CWCB represents major water basins, the Denver Metro Area, and state agencies in efforts to wisely use and protect Colorado's water. Created over 80 years ago, it now serves as the state's comprehensive water information source. Its programs and assistance support the Colorado Water Plan, focusing on stream and lake protection, flood mitigation, watershed protection, stream restoration, drought planning, water supply planning, and project financing. The Public Education, Participation, and Outreach (PEPO) Grant Program, established in 2022, offers funding for statewide education/outreach initiatives and supports individual coordinators for basin-specific efforts. It leverages funds from the Perpetual Base Fund to the Water Supply Reserve Fund (WSRF) for these purposes, aligning with strategic priorities to enhance public awareness and education on water issues across Colorado.


    Organization's Location
    sunt in
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    up to 75K


    Visit Apply for more information.