Equitable Community-Designed Outdoor Spaces Grant

The mission of the Colorado Health Foundation is to improve the health of Coloradans. It operates on three cornerstones: serving Coloradans with less power, privilege, and income, especially prioritizing those of color; being informed by the community it aims to serve; and focusing all efforts towards creating health equity.

Type of Support


This grant supports planning for outdoor spaces in Colorado that invite children, youth, families, and especially communities of color and those living on low incomes, to co-design their physical activity spaces. With a focus on health equity, the program emphasizes community engagement in the design process to reflect the community's needs, history, and culture. Planning grants, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, may cover various costs including community engagement activities, technical assistance by landscape architects, and more. Projects should prioritize the needs of communities living on low-income, communities of color, and rural communities. The planning process should employ models like the Community Engagement Spectrum or Equity-Centered Community Design, aiming for designs that promote physical and psychological safety and encourage lifelong physical activity practices.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Colorado organizations with 501(c)(3) status
New or emerging organizations
Colorado public agencies, including state and local governments
  • Must demonstrate a commitment to undertake a comprehensive planning process including deep community engagement leading to a community-owned or community-driven outdoor project
  • Projects should focus on the design and construction of outdoor spaces in high-need areas
  • Designed for individuals of all ages and includes access for intergenerational activities promoting physical activity and community strengthening
  • Consideration for those with physical and/or developmental disabilities
  • If projects are on school grounds, the space must be open to the general public during non-school hours
  • Applicants must estimate user numbers and demonstrate how the project will increase access to recreational physical activity for Coloradans


Organizations that discriminate against a particular class of individuals
Programs requiring membership in a certain religion or advancing a particular religious faith, unless they serve all community members regardless of faith without requiring participation in religious activities
For-profit organizations or programs benefiting for-profit organizations
Debt retirement
Fundraising events
25k – 50k


Review Criteria

Priority will be afforded to initiatives that prioritize the requirements of low-income populations, communities of color, and rural areas. These projects should:

  1. Cater to a population where, according to the closest school's enrollment figures, over 50% of the youth are either of color or beneficiaries of free and reduced lunch programs.
  2. Develop outdoor areas and/or features that adequately accommodate the needs of the community's most marginalized members.
  3. Address the necessity to upgrade or replace unsafe or obsolete infrastructure in an outdoor setting, located within a five-mile radius of a recognized rural community center, public area, or facility.