Greensburg Foundation Fund - Grants Program

    From Community Foundation of Westmoreland County

    The mission of the community foundation’s revitalization initiative is to offer unique opportunities for community benefit organizations and residents to enact transformational change. This is achieved by collectively creating and improving community assets and infrastructure, aiming to realize the vision of a clean, safe, and productive Westmoreland County.

    Type of Support


    The Greensburg Foundation Fund Grants Program seeks to empower nonprofit organizations in Greensburg by providing financial assistance for a variety of needs including program materials, office technology, renovations, capital projects, and program implementation. Examples of requests include but are not limited to:  

    • technology needs and office renovations
    • food purchases for feeding programs
    • arts programming for young people
    • programmatic costs for new or existing initiatives


    Organization's Location
    elit ad
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.