A. Ward Ford Memorial Research Grants

From Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin

The Ed & Joyce Creske Family Foundation Fund aims to perpetuate the philanthropic efforts of Ed and Joyce Creske, focusing on nurturing their long-standing commitment to their hometown community. Through the support of local endeavors, the foundation seeks to give back to the community that played a significant role in their lives and successes.

Type of Support


The A. Ward Ford Memorial Research Grant focuses on supporting direct clinical or basic science research related to current use or potential new applications of laser or other light-based therapy.


Organization's Location
et sint
Program Location
Organization Type
  • elit culpa exercitation adipisicing est ea proident cillum adipisicing sunt sunt quis et exercitation ullamco cillum voluptate sint veniam officia
  • aute nulla laboris veniam consectetur sit non exercitation pariatur laborum laboris exercitation sint in elit nisi aliquip
up to 65k


Review Criteria

consequat ex qui pariatur esse id ea ea dolor laboris veniam officia aliqua nisi exercitation qui ipsum aute duis ad incididunt cupidatat dolore duis nisi laborum