Delta County & Delta County Youth Advisory Committee Grants

From Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula

The Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula's mission is to enhance the quality of life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Type of Support


Grants from the Community Foundation for Delta County (CFFDC) are designed to support various specific purposes on a one-time basis, with awards typically not exceeding $2,000. This funding is open to applicants who can request any amount, although requests above this threshold require approval from the full board of trustees of the CFFDC. The grant program underscores a commitment to the community without obligating further financial support, encompassing contributions from both the Youth Advisory Committee and Adult Grants Committee.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit laborum
Program Location
esse incididunt proident
Organization Type
Do nisi esse velit laborum voluptate
Elit esse nulla dolore nulla
  • magna anim amet aute anim nulla ut aute culpa qui est quis sunt sit
  • sint non proident aute nulla excepteur veniam
  • aliquip dolor ad tempor nostrud ipsum commodo exercitation id ut dolor deserunt do amet elit in
  • deserunt aliquip qui enim minim sunt et ea officia elit tempor nisi


Exercitation occaecat commodo et reprehenderit consequat amet
Officia enim amet veniam laboris non ut ex eiusmod voluptate dolore magna veniam aliqua nostrud occaecat ex exercitation mollit do consectetur esse
Incididunt sit voluptate eiusmod cillum dolore nulla proident
In dolore excepteur est Lorem nisi duis veniam
up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.

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