MHC Arts & Humanities Touring Grants

From Michigan Humanities Council

To inspire us to come together in creative and freely expressed ways to deepen our understanding of ourselves and enrich our communities. Michigan Humanities aims to be a sustainable, passionate, unifying force leading the humanities throughout the state.

Type of Support


The Arts & Humanities Touring Program, a collaboration between Michigan Humanities and the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, aims to make the arts and humanities more accessible to Michigan communities. It offers grants supporting the costs associated with bringing live performances, presenters, and exhibits from a diverse range of performing and visual artists, authors, and historians to a variety of settings including schools, libraries, and cultural events. Grant recipients are able to select from a directory of juried artists and humanities presenters from both within Michigan and out-of-state, with a particular emphasis on supporting underrepresented artists and those from underrepresented areas. The program covers a significant portion of the fees and travel expenses for these touring individuals and groups, aiming to enrich communities across Michigan with cultural and educational programs.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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