NCW Foundation for Youth Grant

From Community Foundation of North Central Washington

The Methow Valley Fund is overseen by the Community Foundation of North Central Washington (CFNCW), aimed at supporting charitable organizations in the Methow Valley. Its mission includes contributing to the community's vibrancy by funding health and human services, education, arts and culture, environmental projects, and social/public benefits. It focuses on aiding non-profits and public organizations in developing sustainable programs, creating a permanent endowment for the long-term availability of local resources to meet local needs and opportunities.

Type of Support


The NCW Foundation for Youth Grant is designed to finance initiatives that have a direct positive impact on children in Chelan and Douglas counties. This grant supports a wide range of activities including educational field trips, after-school programs, community sports clubs, and arts education among others, exemplified by previously funded programs like Shop with a Cop, Girls on the Run, and School-related field trips. Applications are accepted all year round, with awards given bi-monthly.


Organization's Location
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