Neel Family Fund Grant Program

    From Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks, and Region

    The Iseminger Endowment for the Arts, established by Gordon and Trudy Iseminger in 2017, aims to support the arts across the region. Its mission focuses on providing exposure and access to artistic and cultural experiences that encourage artistic growth and creativity for individuals of all ages.

    Type of Support


    The Neel Family Fund Grant Program focuses on enhancing music education for youth in Grand Forks County, North Dakota. It supports various aspects of music education including school music programs, youth bands, choirs, orchestras, and summer programs, as well as the purchase of music and instruments. Additionally, it provides funding for guest conductors and clinicians, with the goal of augmenting existing music education resources rather than substituting them.


    Organization's Location
    esse est
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
    Anim proident pariatur id nisi id
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    Ullamco est enim aliqua elit
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    Culpa ea culpa non officia ipsum deserunt et eu irure labore excepteur duis nisi enim
    Qui fugiat
    Enim qui aliquip elit velit eu magna eiusmod nulla mollit culpa id exercitation magna
    not specified


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