Water-Right Charitable Fund Grant

From Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

We strengthen our community for current and future generations by helping people make a difference in the lives of all.

Type of Support


The Water-Right Charitable Fund provides grants to nonprofit organizations that align with their broad goals of supporting basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter; promoting education; protecting the environment; and other causes deemed important by their employees. The grant program features an advisory committee consisting of staff from Water-Right and Clean Water Center to review requests and recommend grants, ensuring decisions align with established guidelines and eligibility requirements. Financial awards from the fund typically reach up to $5,000, with application deadlines on March 1, June 1, September 1, and November 1 of each year.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Aliqua amet officia veniam pariatur occaecat officia do cillum
  • exercitation occaecat id anim incididunt nulla dolor cupidatat excepteur nulla tempor consequat nulla mollit reprehenderit Lorem ex ea anim
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Quis ullamco
Deserunt commodo sint ullamco labore est incididunt pariatur aliquip veniam est minim
Laborum ipsum ex occaecat eu
Elit officia
Ipsum anim mollit commodo laboris
Occaecat culpa minim consequat ut sunt
up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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