Kossuth County Grants

From Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa

Veridian Credit Union, in collaboration with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, focuses on enriching communities within its service area in Iowa and Nebraska through support to nonprofit organizations. Their mission encompasses providing general operating support grants to organizations that contribute significantly to community enrichment.

Type of Support


The Kossuth County Community Foundation (KCCF), an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, supports the communities within Kossuth County, Iowa, by focusing on developing desirable living areas, particularly benefiting rural regions. It provides grants in various areas including arts and culture, community betterment, education and youth development, environment and animal welfare, health, and human services. The foundation prioritizes proposals that address community needs with broad-based support, leveraged funding from other sources, promote cooperation and eliminate redundant services, have organizational capacity for achieving results, and ensure project sustainability.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IA (Kossuth County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Government entities
Tax-exempt organizations classified as other than 501(c)(3) for charitable projects
Schools for community-wide projects
Churches for community service projects
Economic development organizations for marketing/education projects
Service clubs and veterans’ organizations with eligible tax-exempt status for charitable projects
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Located in Kossuth County
  • Provide benefits to the people of Kossuth County
  • Must be current with all state and federal reporting requirements, including the filing of 990 forms
  • One application per organization except for government entities and fiscal sponsors, where fiscal sponsors can submit one application per sponsored organization, and government entities can apply once per department
  • Requires a detailed project budget with expenses and income, including additional funding sources


Entities with outstanding grant reports for previous Kossuth Community Foundation grants
Entities planning inherently religious activities such as worship, instruction, or proselytization
Entities submitting multiple applications for the same project or to benefit a single organization
For-profit businesses and individuals
Entities involved in political activity or lobbying
Entities seeking to fundraise activities
Entities looking for debt repayment
Entities that will re-grant the received funds
Entities contributing to endowments
Entities with project expenses incurred prior to grant notification


Review Criteria

The KCCF will give priority to projects within its designated program areas that focus on cross-generational engagement, target individuals through various approaches, offer vital services to young people, and/or deliver essential emergency support to our communities.

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