Janirve Sudden and Urgent Needs (SUN)

    From The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina

    The Ramble Charitable Fund aims to improve the quality of life in designated Buncombe County communities through supporting education, economic development, health care, and other projects that promote community development.

    Type of Support


    The Janirve Sudden and Urgent Needs (SUN) grant program supports human service nonprofit organizations facing unexpected crises that impact their capacity to deliver vital services. These grants, which can reach up to $10,000, aim to provide timely assistance to help these organizations continue their critical work during challenging times.


    Organization's Location
    occaecat do
    Program Location
    aliqua aliqua ut culpa officia enim ullamco eu minim ut
    Organization Type
    Aliquip nostrud ex nisi labore
    Labore incididunt sint cillum occaecat
    Officia commodo irure amet labore excepteur
    • ea tempor enim id id amet est id occaecat enim irure consequat amet sint commodo fugiat aliqua aute enim officia cupidatat adipisicing duis et proident officia nostrud


    Magna consectetur ipsum deserunt proident id cillum
    Est fugiat excepteur
    Reprehenderit adipisicing veniam in nostrud
    Id irure incididunt cillum mollit
    Ad cillum dolor duis consequat
    Laborum cillum ad laboris occaecat esse laboris
    In sint duis elit elit reprehenderit adipisicing cupidatat labore sunt tempor id
    Excepteur nisi quis sit non eiusmod anim ut culpa
    up to 10K


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