Education & Provident Fund Grant

    From Confederation of Forest Industries

    The Forest Industries Education and Provident Fund (FIEPF) aims to advance the education of Confor members (and their employees) in forestry or related industries through grants for further education or training for professional development. It also provides assistance to Confor members or their dependents in conditions of need, hardship, or distress.

    Type of Support


    The FIEPF offers two main types of support: the Education Fund and the Provident Fund. The Education Fund awards applicants for a variety of educational endeavors including technical and professional courses, educational trips, field courses, and study tours within forestry. These awards aim to aid career progression in forestry and contribute to the sector's wider development, with a maximum award of £1000 per application based on several factors including application quality and relevance. The Provident Fund offers support in cases of hardship such as long-term illness, injury, or death, providing more flexible assistance with confidentiality. Both funds emphasize the development of individuals and businesses within the forestry sector during challenging times, while also aiming to benefit the sector as a whole.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.